Thursday, 10 October 2013

UBC #6 A `pressing` day @GoldHillOrganic

Over the weekend my family and I along with The PRMummy`s family went to Gold Hill Organic Farm for their annual apple pressing day.

Gold Hill Organic was one of the first organic farms in Dorset and has now been running for 25 years.
The husband and wife duo Andrew and Sara run the farm with the help of family and friends and the lovely Jane heading up the marketing side of the business.

We all had a brilliant day, as we`d never been apple pressing we didnt know what to take or how much so we rocked up with a couple of kilos of apples and a few 4 pint milk bottles.

Andrew and Sara were there to guide us through the `pressing` process.

We learned straight away that ideally we should of brought glass bottles to store the juice in not the plastic milk bottles......just gives me an excuse to start drinking extra wine ready for next year!!!

The apples were pulverized, then the pulp was placed into a hand press and juice.
If we had brought glass bottles to store it in the juice would of required sterilizing first in large cauldrons, but as had plastic bottles the juice was decanted straight into them.

The kids absolutely loved the whole process which kept their attention for ages, and that is no mean feat for 4 under 6`s!!!!!

After pressing the apples we took a walk around the farm, there is a quaint little tea room serving food cooked with their products and farm store stocked with loads of freshly picked organic goodies.
Tasting their hard work

The kids insisted on taking a look at the veggie patch so Jane kindly gave us a mini guided tour of the patch and poly tunnels, she even let the kids pick a few veggies to bring away with us.

A few of the out buildings have been converted into retail units that hold an art gallery, a florists and a glass blowing studio where the very talented Emsie teaches the amazing art of glass blowing.

 If anyone would like to introduce their kids to organic farming then I would definitely advise taking a trip to see Andrew and Sara.


  1. What great things to watch and learn!! x

  2. That looks great fun.
    Emmy loves apple juice and I'm sure she would love to see it freshly pressed
