After popping into my local Co-Op this afternoon, I decided to take a quick look around and saw this amazing bargain...a family meal deal of £13.84 worth of food for £5.
Included in the offer is -
- Bird`s Eye Crispy Chicken x 4 - £4.20
- Co-Op American Oven Fries - £1.95
- Co-Op Briish Garden Peas - £1.00 ALL FOR £5!!
- Co-Op Sweetcorn - £1.50
- Haagen-Dazs Cookies and Cream - £5.19
wow thats pretty good! I noticed that the co-op have started to do the 39p veg and fruit offers, I guess to compete with Aldi and Lidl. They had cherries for a £1 last week...we've eaten tons of them!!