Sunday 12 January 2014

Budget Family Meals???

The Wood household is, as most families at the moment, trying to tighten the purse strings.

My maternity leave is ending at the end of February and the return to work in my previous role is looking a tad doubtful.

If I cant find a job that can fit around the kids then the household budget fund is potentially £550 down a month!!!

So today I have been sat with the bank accounts and a calculator and have finally realised we cant afford our current standard of living.

Cue lots of tears and now I have a thumping headache.

I have to try and feed 2 adults, 2 children, 7mth old, 2 cars and 3 rabbits on £35 a it possible????

Trying not to be undeterred, tonight I decided to try and make a roast dinner for under a fiver.....and I did it!!!!!!!!!

We had roast chicken portions, mashed potatoes, broccoli, carrots and peas and it came in at 93p per head, I was gobsmacked.

Have any of you got any tried and tested budget family meals?? 

Any ideas much appreciated xxx


  1. I find frozen veg can be quite cheap (delicious from Lidl) and sausage casserole is wholesome and cheap to make (especially if the base is Lidl's 39p Passata) which is yummy. I am going to take up baking so we can eat cheaper cakes. xx

  2. Jeni, I'm sorry to hear about your tears :( I'm sure £35/w is do'able - especially with good planning. Perhaps it's worth reaching out and seeing if there is any support available to you whilst you look for possible alternate employment? If you need a friendly ear to bounce ideas off - I'm available.
