I will openly admit that I have been caught may a time joining in with the boys in colouring in their pads and books. It is strangely relaxing and therapeutic!! So I am very happy now that books for adults are being brought out.
There are many one-off books on the market but Redan, a leading publisher of children`s magazines, have branched out into the adult sector with Calm, Colour Create.
Calm, Colour Create is an monthly adult special interest colouring magazine. Each issue has a different theme with 64 pages of calming black and white designs for you to colour in. There is a mix of patterns, mandalas and triangles with beautiful designs on the right hand side of the page to colour and a corresponding smaller image on the left leaving you loads of room to create you own doodles. Each issue comes with a free gift.
The first issue has the theme of Oceans and include amazing designs of turtles, dolphins, jellyfish and water flowers. Each design is so intricate leaving you with multiple choices of colour schemes.
This issue comes with 5 free pencils so you can get stuck into colouring in straight away.
Redan kindly sent me a copy of their first issue to review and two copies to give away to you lovely lot!!
Fill out the Gleam widget below to be in with a chance of winning one of two copies I have to give away.
Open to UK residents only.
Calm Colour Create Magazine Giveaway x2 copies RRP £4.99