It began so good, I actually had a few hours last Saturday child free so I sat and planned all of the weeks meals in detail so I knew that I wouldn`t fall off the wagon.
How wrong was I?? For some reason on Monday I was in the worst mood ever and felt really down so fell off the wagon big time and ate half a Terry`s chocolate orange. It felt good at the time but I instantly regretted it. I felt so angry at myself for having the moment of weakness. I worked out the syn value and think I must of consumed about 25 syns as it is 2.5 syns per segment.....ooops!!

So to make up for it this week I went on two 5k power walks and ran the furthest I have ever run at one time, 3k on the treadmill in 26 minutes, I also did 6k on the bike and 2k on the rowing machine.
It paid off as I`ve had a loss of 1 1/2lbs taking me to 8lbs in total. I know its not a massive number but I don`t want to loose weight too quickly and then putting it all back on again and some.
This week I am going to keep on with what I did last week minus the chocolate incident!! With Valentines Day tomorrow and pancake day next week is gonna be tough.
Weigh-In Week #6
Starting Weight - 12st 5lbs
Current Weight - 11st 11lbs - loss of 1 1/2lbs
Total loss to date - 8lbs
Target Weight - 10st
Well done that is brilliant :D I have not had a great week this week but back on it 100% tomorrow.