
Saturday, 6 June 2015

My Britmum`s Live 2015 Sponsor/s Revealed!!

Regular readers will know that I have been searching and searching for sponsors to allow me to attend Britmums in 2 weeks time. Being a mum of 3 young boys I can`t afford to pay for the ticket, travel expenses and accommodation so the only way I could even dream to attend is by sponsorship.

Well I am so happy and proud to now be able to show and tell you who has been kind enough to offer me sponsorship!!

I have been lucky enough to find not one but TWO sponsors!!

Please meet my sponsors....

Mi Local For Mum`s App, is a free app that allows you to view activities in your local/chosen area to do with your children.

Available on both android and iPhone platforms there is no reason I can think of as to why you shouldn`t have this app on your is a MUST HAVE!

Android link -
iPhone link -

The Mi Local team are passionate about helping other users find what they want when they want it. With just a few clicks you can find an activity of your choice with specific criteria....say age range of children involved, cost of activity, distance of activity from you, indoor or outdoor activities. And not only can you now chat and meet up with mums local to you, but call, message and find directions all from the app. The app covers most of the country with new coverage areas and new activities/events being added all the time.

I have had this app since it was released and have found it a life saver. I`ve found and attended loads of different events that I would of never of even know about being held without the help Mi Local.

Try it to day and I`m sure you`ll love it....a new and updated version is due for release in the next few weeks so it is a very exciting time for the team at Mi Local.

Check out my full review of Mi Local HERE.

They thinks it`s all over....It isn`t now!!!

Open Goaaal is a revolutionary garden solution to that ever so annoying problem of stray footballs!!

The Open Goaaal`s design is unique in the fact it allows a normal functioning and looking garden to be transformed into a football haven in seconds. It works by using a white netted goal area and a black netted safe zone around the outside. You have two poles and top line spanning the width of your garden and just like drawing your curtains, you pull it out and peg down your goal net when you need it. The black outer net creates a safe zone which allows any stray footballs to be rebounded back into your garden.

No more needing to go knocking on the next door neighbours doors asking for your balls back or having to replace expensive border shrubs that have been used as a goal post!!!

My boys were sent this Open Goaaal to try out last year and I have to say that this has to be one of the best things invented for your garden, it has been used literally every day since last September in rain, wind and even snow. I can now let the boys out in the garden without worrying about them damaging our neighbours flowers and garden.

My full review and video of the boys using the Open Goaal is HERE.

I have to say a HUGE thank you to both sponsors for allowing me to attend Britmum`s this year, I will be using my time there very carefully and plan to come back with some exciting ideas for Poolemamma; improving the blog in all aspects xxx

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