
Tuesday, 21 April 2015

50 Things That Make Me Happy

What makes you happy???

I have been tagged by Elaine at entertainingelliot and Amy from everythingmummy to take part in the new blogging sensation of listing 50 of the top things that make me happy.

Here goes, in no particular order, just as they came into my head!!

  1. The smell of freshly cut grass
  2. The sound of my children giggling
  3. Crochet
  4. Clothes shopping
  5. The warmth from the first sun of spring
  6. A long soak in the bath, not that I get to spend very long in the bath any more!!
  7. Ben & Jerry`s half baked chocolate fudge brownie and cookie dough
  8. Breakfast in bed
  9. My children
  10. A tidy house ( a very rare occurrence!)
  11. Friends
  12. Walks on the beach
  13. The smell and feeling of fresh bedding
  14. Changing into my pj`s
  15. Family movie nights
  16. The smell of freshly washed baby hair
  17. Being silly with my boys
  18. Getting the whole extended family together 
  19. Wine and giggles
  20. Getting my hair coloured ( very necessary since the pesky greys have appeared)
  21. Finding a 5iver stashed in my wallet
  22. A naughty take-away night
  23. Listening to Ben trying to have a conversation with his older brothers
  24. Reminiscing looking back at old photos
  25. Writing blog posts
  26. Newborn puppies
  27. Chocolate
  28. Ice cold beer on a hot day
  29. Dipping my feet in the kids paddling pool
  30. Christmas...I LOVE everything to do with it!!
  31. Watching my tv series on call back.
  32. Family wrestling time
  33. Drying loads of washing on the line in the summer
  34. The smell of bbq`s
  35. Rocking Ben to sleep in my arms
  36. Sunday roasts
  37. Singing out loud in the car
  38. My husband
  39. Watching Alfie play football and score a goal
  40. Going to the gym!!
  41. Seeing the scales go down each week at Slimming World weigh in
  42. Fitting into smaller clothes than this time last year
  43. Making my friends smile
  44. Receiving random kisses and hugs from the boys
  45. Date nights with hubby
  46. Redecorating the house in my head
  47. Making plans
  48. Potting plants
  49. Watching any James Bond film and remembering my dad
  50. Cooking.....anything!!

Now that`s my 50 things, I tag Laura from maxandmummy, Natalie at OneBusyWAHM and Debbie at superbusymum....go, go, go!!!!

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